The preparation for the climb is a key part of the whole Kinabalu adventure.
The early ascent : adjusting to the incline.

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal; It is the courage to continue that counts."

The Physical Preparation

The preparation for the climb is a key part of the whole Kinabalu adventure. There is first of all the physical preparation and it has to be divided into the following areas.

  • A clear irrevocable decision to climb

  • Physical training (usually over 6 months)

  • Mental preparation for the climb (banishing the negatives and embracing clear positives for the climb

  • Equipping for the climb

  • Finalizing arrangements for the climb

  • Making the journey to start the climb

Making Sure We Are Ready

Tan Sri Azman Hashim went through the above steps as part of the meticulous preparation for the climb. It required a physical, mental and to a certain extent a spiritual commitment that has to be combined together to make the climb successful.

Age Is But a Mere Number

His philosophy encapsulates the essence of a fulfilled life, regardless of age. He recognizes that each day is an opportunity to embrace the unknown and to still learn and grow. His decision to tackle Mount Kinabalu isn’t just about reaching its summit; it’s about stretching limits and proving that age is only a mere number. Tan Sri Azman Hashim’s journey serves as a beacon of inspiration, particularly for those who are expected to slow down as they grow older. His example underscores that life remains a canvas on which one can paint new designs, regardless of the years that have passed.

Happiness on the trail.
The many vistas of Kinabalu.
Fresh and ready for the climb at Carson Falls.
Adjusting to the altitude early.
Preparation fuels practice, practice fuels adventure.
Training at Sri Bintang trail.
Time to sing some songs.